지역: United Kingdom
구/군/시: Surrey England
사업 부문: Store
지역: United Kingdom
구/군/시: Surrey England
사업 부문: Store
Educators at lululemon athletica do just that! They educate! Their main role is to effectively educate our guests on the fabrics, features, fit and function of our product, our culture and the communities we belong to. Our goal is to have guests leave our stores having learned something, rather than having purchased something. By educating guests we empower them to make decisions for themselves based on the facts that we offer them. The guesswork is taken out of shopping for customers, and a ‘Wow! It’s You!’ guest experience is created, leaving customers with the knowledge to educate others on behalf of lululemon athletica. Authentic conversations are key to delivering the ultimate guest experience by relaying your experiences with lululemon products to the guest. This is truly the most important role in our company and we rely on our educators to authentically share our culture and brand with their community.
Education and Guest Experience:
• Provides guests with world-class ‘education’ and guest experience in the areas of product, culture, and community by speaking authentically about product use through their own experiences
• Product Education: communicates special features, benefits, fabric properties, usage, and best care instructions
• Culture Education: ‘demonstrates’, the culture held within the company, including: attitude of fun, respect, support, empowerment, encouragement, passion, interaction with other staff, and in-store discussion of lifestyle (i.e. yoga, fitness, health and fun)
• Community Education: ensures guest is aware of in-store community bulletin board – for information and resources regarding yoga and other health, fitness and related community information. We are the hub for all sweaty endeavors in our communities!
Floor Duties:
• Creates excitement and FUN for our guests on the retail floor
• Receives/processes stock received from warehouse, involving: unpacking, counting, tagging as required, folding, sizing and placing on the floor, with overflow stock in back room and stored areas
• Assists in preparing the store for the day including: replenishing garment styles and other merchandise by color, size, and quantity requirements; folding, sizing, and merchandising as required
• Answers phone inquiries as required
• Ensures stock replenishment in work areas
• Ensures items from change rooms are returned to appropriate area - sized and tagged
• Prepares pants for hemming including pinning, completing necessary documentation (customer/store hemming slip); and educating regarding timelines for completion
• Arranges for mail and/or delivery, as required, to other locations and/or warehouse
• Completes assigned clean up evening duty
• Utilizes the Point of Sale cash system, processes payments, refunds and exchanges and issues gift cards
• Prepares alterations for pick up the next day
• Unpacks boxes for inventory as required. Boxes can weigh 10 - 30 lbs
• Under the direction of the Store/Assistant Manager performs/completes other additional project, duties, and assignments as required and/or by request
EDUCATOR MUST HAVE’S (the Knowledge, Skills and Qualifications):
• Passion, knowledge and involvement in yoga, and/or other fitness, health or sports activities required. We expect that you will be enrolled in participating in weekly fitness activities in and out of the store with the store team
• Strong personal sense of style and athletically minded
• Upbeat, optimistic, passionate, friendly and authentic
• Excellent team player and ability to work independently
• Responsible and dependable
• Proactive and solution-oriented
• Excellent communication skills – verbal and written
• Extraordinary guest interaction, organizational and time management skills
• Ability and willingness to accept and provide feedback
• Completion of grade 12 education – preferred
• Strong problem solving and decision-making skills.
• General computer knowledge.
We expect all full-time employees to be available to open and close, at a minimum, twice per week. We expect all part-time employees to be available to open and close a minimum of once per week. Everyone must work one weekend day. Part-time is up to 23 hours per week; full time is 24-40 hours per week. Time is spent educating on the retail floor.
If you are seeking a position in a company which fosters and supports health and fitness, personal development, growth, change, responsibility and overall success please submit your resume and cover letter directly to this posting.
NOTE: Only those applicants under consideration will be contacted. Please accept our utmost appreciation for your interest.
먼저 룰루레몬 커리어 기회에 관심을 가져 주셔서 감사드리며, 룰루레몬은 채용심사를 통과한 일부 지원자에 한해 연락을 드리고 있음을 안내해드립니다.
룰루레몬은 평등한 고용 기회를 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 따라서, 채용 여부는 지원자의 장점과 사업 운영상 필요성을 종합적으로 고려하여 결정됩니다. 또한, 현지 법률과 규정에 따라 인종, 신념, 연령, 성별, 성적 지향, 국적, 종교, 결혼 여부, 질환, 신체적 또는 정신적 장애, 병역, 임신, 출산 및 관련 질병 또는 노동법으로 보호되는 기타 대상 및 상태 등은 채용 여부에 영향을 미치지 않습니다. 평등한 고용 기회 정책은 채용, 연봉 및 복리후생, 혜택, 근무 규정, 직무 이동 및 변경, 고용 종료 및 기타 모든 고용 조건과 관련된 모든 관행에 적용됩니다. 이 정책을 추진하는 데 있어 우선적인 책임은 룰루레몬 경영진에게 있으나, 지원자 여러분 또한 책임감을 갖고 해당 정책이 추진될 수 있도록 노력해주시기 바랍니다.